Recorded Virtual Events Without CEU's

What Can an "Elevator Speech" Do For Guardians? Recording

Recorded live event. You're in an elevator and someone asks about your work. Can a guardian explain the important and meaningful contributions you make to the lives of an adult in just a few sentences? Command respect, explain where your time goes, or describe the duties a "professional decision-maker." In this month's Guardian's Networking Group, we will wordsmith key phrases that can help guardians present ourselves concisely. Please join this lively and useful discussion.

This course includes a downloadable handout. We recommend you download and print it to use during the webinar.
Any attached content or information will be available here.
  • Recording
  • What Can an "Elevator Speech" Do For Guardians Recording
  • Job Aids
  • What Can an "Elevator Speech" Do For Guardians Handout
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "What Can an "Elevator Speech" Do For Guardians Recording"